H.E Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha
The Secretary-General
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Date: 12th October 2024
“Urgent Appeal to OIC for Enhanced Action in Response to the Rohingya Crisis”
Dear H.E Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha,
We would like to write on behalf of the Rohingya Community to bring to your urgent attention the ongoing and escalating crisis faced by the Rohingya population in Arakan State, Myanmar. Since 2017, the Rohingya community has been subjected to a series of severe human rights violations, which continue unabated to this day.
The atrocities against the Rohingya have intensified, with the Arakan Army (AA) joining forces with Tatmadaw (the Myanmar military). Together, they have committed numerous heinous acts, including abduction, torture, forced conscription, looting, extortion, rape, arbitrary killings, targeted assassinations, movement restrictions, and widespread arson across various villages. These brutal actions are systematically designed to terrorize and uproot the Rohingya community, leading to mass displacement and a deepening humanitarian crisis.
While the media has covered some of these incidents, they represent only a fraction of the atrocities committed. The AA and Tatmadaw joint campaign reflects a deliberate strategy of persecution, aimed at eradicating the Rohingya from their homeland. Recent reports have highlighted the forced recruitment of young Rohingya under false pretenses, the abduction and murder of civilians, and the deliberate destruction of vital infrastructure, including hospitals and schools. These actions, coupled with the blocking of humanitarian aid, have exacerbated the suffering of the Rohingya, leaving them in a state of severe deprivation and fear.
The Arakan Army (AA) and Tatmadaw have shifted their tactics in targeting the Rohingya population, moving from mass killings to more insidious, individual attacks or strikes of opportunity. This strategy includes the systematic arrest and abduction of Rohingya youths, especially those with influence or leadership within their communities. These individuals, often seen as beacons of hope or strength in society, are taken to undisclosed locations, where they frequently go missing, creating a climate of fear and uncertainty.
In addition to these targeted abductions, the Arakan Army has been using harassment, extortion, and violence as tools of oppression against the Rohingya. Many are subjected to arbitrary arrests, threats, and physical attacks. Extortion is rampant, with demands for money under the threat of violence or kidnapping, leaving families in fear of losing loved ones or being driven into deeper poverty. Entire villages are gripped by terror as Rohingya are expelled from their homes, further marginalizing an already persecuted community. These actions not only destroy the fabric of Rohingya society but also contribute to the ongoing campaign of ethnic cleansing, leaving the community with few options for safety or survival.
In light of these ongoing atrocities, we recognize and deeply appreciate the statements and actions taken by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) since the Rohingya crisis emerged as one of the most significant humanitarian disasters of our time. The OIC’s pro-justice stance and initiatives since 2017 are commendable and have provided hope and support to our community.
However, given the worsening situation, we respectfully urge the OIC to intensify its efforts on behalf of the Rohingya. While the past actions have been praiseworthy, more needs to be done to address the escalating violence and to ensure the protection and survival of the Rohingya people. We call upon the OIC to take additional diplomatic, humanitarian, and legal measures to hold the perpetrators accountable and to work towards a sustainable and peaceful resolution to the crisis.
The Rohingya community looks to the OIC for continued leadership and advocacy during this critical time. Your support is crucial in bringing international attention to our plight and in mobilizing the necessary resources to alleviate our suffering.
We are hopeful that, with the OIC’s intervention, we can move closer to a future where the Rohingya can live in peace, dignity, and security. We have attached some monthly incidents reports in the attachment.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Please contact the following for any additional information
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Rohingya Community
- Rohingya National league
- Rohingya Culture Center
- Rohingya American Council
- Burmese Rohingya welfare organization New Zealand
- The Swedish Rohingya Association (SRA)
- Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization in Malaysia (MERHROM)
- Rohingya Community Service of Georgia
- The European Rohingya Council
- Global Rohingya Students’ Union
- Rohingya youth association of Portland
- indigenous Rohingya ethnic organization
- Arakan Rohingya Youth Generation for Human rights and Peace
- Myanmar Muslim Association Netherlands MMAN
- Burmese Rohingya Community Netherlands BRCNL
- Rohingya Action Ireland (RAI)
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